Well, isn't this a pleasant sight? Of all the things for a company that is looking to rise from its own ashes, opening on a poorly lit, but most importantly, EMPTY! arena might not be the best message to send to future investors and fans. And yet, in some chillingly appropriate way, it seemed to fit the mood. Rows of rows of empty seats leading to the trusty RAW ring where only a few well-placed spotlights help illuminate it from the gloomy emptiness that seemed to fill this desolate arena completely. It all seemed to paint a portrait, not of hopelessness, but one of tragic potential. Sometimes the WWE Universe doesn't need pyrotechnics or theatrics portrayed by cartoonish buffoons. Sometimes, just sometimes- it is okay to embrace the silence and let it resonate inside you. Were we still talking about wrestling or something more? And then, as if on perfect cue- the instantly recognizable voice of Bryan Danielson broke that silence. Bryan Danielson: "It's kind of sad, isn't it? Seeing it this way it-s like the magic has somehow been taken from it. When you remove the energy, passion and desire from that ring- when you take out the flesh, blood and desire that takes that ring and turns it into a stage... ... ... when you take that away, it simply becomes just another squared circle. I believe that is the case in any sport like this, but the fact is those words do not ring more true than when you apply them to the sport of Professional Wrestling. In this sport you can-t just throw any athlete into it and expect them to shine. Only those who are prepared to sacrifice everything are capable of being the life blood that makes the heart of that ring beat" Danielson said in a serious tone. The camera pans back to give us a look at the man as he still looked as though he was shaking off that 'Corporate skin' with the sleeves of his dress shirt rolled up and the neck of his tie loosened. Bryan had a strange look in his eyes as they focused on the ring itself and not the camera that watched him as he spoke again. Bryan Danielson: "I know what I am talking about because when that rings' heart beat- so did mine. When this sport felt alive... I felt alive. There is a reason why all the would be 'Indy Darlings' are compared to me, why when they look at these kids they say "sure, they are good... but are they as good as Bryan was?" as if I am not standing in the same damn room as them! Just because they shoved me into some monkey suite and tried to change me- they sudden act like I didn't inspire an entire movement!- Like they can replace me... or worse, forget about me all together. When you stop and think about it, that is what they really wanted all along, wasn't it? To hold Bryan Danielson back- to erase me all together! First with my God given name... and then with my career. The WWE likes to act like I am not the embodiment of wrestling, and yet they keep asking that question... are the next group of youngsters as good as me? Are they prepared to sacrifice as much as I have? That brings me to where we are now-" Danielson pressed on, his teeth gritting a bit between his thoughts. Bryan Danielson: "This week, for the first time in a LONG time I am going to have the chance to do more than look at that ring and dream. This week, because of the only McMahon who doesn't want to see my potential squandered behind a desk- at RAW I get the chance to change the question all together. The question isn't "Are they as good as Bryan Danielson?" anymore but "Can they survive this? Can they keep up with the American Dragon?" and those are questions I don't think guys like my opponents this week will like the answers to" Bryan said, a fire now seeming to burn inside of him. For the first time in the segment, Bryan turns and looks into the camera, addressing the men he is scheduled to face directly and not just through the WWE Universe. He wanted this to feel as personal to them as it was for him. To bring them deeper into this world- no, into HIS world. And like a true craftsman with his tools, Bryan had to be familiar with what it was he had at his fingertips. The tools he would use to craft his return to the wrestling world. Bryan Danielson: "Pete Dunne, I want you to know that I understand the position you are in. Heck, I was you when I first signed to the WWE- so with that in mind, believe me when I tell you that you have no idea the kinds of sacrifices you are about to make. The biggest one being this week, because you are no longer going to be compared to me... you are going to be squaring off against me. Both you and Zack Sabre Jr. are going to have to see if you are as skilled as me, as driven as me, and most importantly- you'll have to see if you want this as badly as I do!" Danielson nearly snarled as he gestured to the camera with his words. Daniel shot up from his chair, no longer happy with just sitting and looking on the ring, or more accurately, no longer happy to be a spectator or an ancient standard of measurement for a new generation in a sport that he loved and gave the best elements of his life to. In short, the passion in Danielson was blinding as he spoke. And still he held that composure that he was so well known for. Bryan Danielson: "Look fellas, as much as I would like to drag your names through the mud, the fact is I can't. If I'm honest and frank, that's the only way I know how to be- I like you kids, I really do. I mean just look at the dynamic; The Bruserweight... The British Aerialist and The American Dragon- this match will be one for the history books based off of talent alone. I can't deny it, you boys are good... but if we are giving credit where it is due- as good as you both are, I AM BETTER! I AM BETTER THAN YOU BOTH!... you know it, and the entire world knows it! Wanna' know how I know this? Because just like I am not a fool when it comes to the men I face this week, I know darn good and well that they know my name like it was written in the wrestling Bible! They know my work from country to country- heck, they probably grew up in the developmental scene on stories of me and Nigel McGuinness, me and Samoa Joe, me and just about ANYONE! They know that when you step into the ring with the American Dragon that it will be the fight of your life!" his eyes were intense as he looked into the camera. His body language all but spelled out that this was no longer someone who was happy to just do the whole "husband, father, provider" roll. No, this was a guy who had something to prove to the rest of the world and possibly to himself. Bryan Danielson was every bit as hungry for this match, for this WIN as Pete or Sabre were; maybe even more because he had tasted World Championship gold and Bryan Danielson knew that a win here and going on to the Elimination Chamber match was the only way to make that happen. But he couldn't let his mind drift like that, he had to stay focused and right now Danielson only had eyes for Dunne and Sabre jr. When he spoke again his words came out like lashing flames, sculpting the reality of his world for those who were watching on. And fans, needless to say, were hooked and clung to his words. But Danielson only hoped they reached the ears of his opponents as he went on. Bryan Danielson: "And do you know why? It's because every fight IS a fight for my life. Every match can be my last. I know that I am sacrificing my life and the well-being of those I love- and kiddos, if that is what it is going to make sure that the name Bryan Danielson doesn't go down next to Bret Hart or Hayabusa or even Edge; men cut down too soon and who left fans begging for one more match! That will not be me, I am not going out like that! So if I got to sacrifice my health or the health of Zack and Pete to do this- that is a price I am more than willing to fork over! I am more than happy to extend my career by shortening yours, because that is EXACTLY what you two will try to do to me. You will try to make a name for yourselves and land that Elimination Chamber spot at my expense. Once again, I can't blame you for thinking that way... and all I can say to that is try it. Just try to use me as a stepping stone and see firsthand how far a man who is on limited time is prepared to go. But the legend of Bryan Danielson is far from over, and munchkins remember what those history books of mine have taught you. When you cross Bryan Danielson..." he says with a grin as he leans into the camera. Bryan Danielson: "You get your fuckin' head kicked in... see you at RAW" he says boldly, the fact Danielson cussed at all was the final emphasis, the breaking of his polite demeanor that showed the hunger and determination that bubbled just below that happy-go-lucky surface of his. Was this a new Bryan Danielson or just the true form that was there all along, just waiting to rip out onto the surface. Either way. Zack Sabre Jr. and Pete Dunne were about to find out the hard way as they approached RAW. The scene fading out to black on the deep and war hungry eyes of Bryan Danielson. This really was a new beginning for the WWE. One Bryan Danielson would fight tooth and nail to be a part of. Word Count: 1749 words