WWE Comes back live on the air to a shot of what appears to be a frantic and troubled looking Dixie Carter. Dixie was in her pantsuit and dress blouse, her hair a bit of a mess by the time the camera men caught up with her. Dixie had a bit of a mad or insane look in her eyes as she charged through the locker room area, shoving her way past pencil pushers, bookers and crew members alike who all seemed not know how to respond to her wild outburst. But it didn't seem like she was trying to get the attention of any of THEM- no, it was the camera man who she was seeking. As soon as Dixie spotted him, she reached up and grabbed him by the shoulder and practically dragged the poor fellow back down the hall with her; only turning to look over her shoulder and speak on occasion, while continuing to walk not just through the whole locker room area but right towards the parking garage. 'NXT GENERAL MANAGER' DIXIE CARTER; Dixie barked the orders like the woman of authority that she was as she lead the camera man right through the double 'Exit' doors and out to the parking lot where many of the superstars were no doubt keeping their rental cars, tour busses and lord knows what else. Fans half expected to see one, and apparently so did the camera man as he panned around expecting to see some type of rockstar escapades on behalf of Rocksar Spud; only the parking lot, for the most part, was empty. Well, everything except the revving of a motorbike. And it was that thought that suddenly gave fans that sinking feeling in their stomachs. Had Baron Corbin actually gotten his hands on Spud BEFORE their match? No- security would not of allowed that, would they? They were quick to get between the men last week, but now, who is to say that Baron Corbin hadn't been laying in wait for Spud to be alone? Many of the WWE Universe assumed just that and expected to find Rockstar Spud with his face held to the back of Baron's bike tire while Corbin did a few burn outs... but instead, what they were treated to was just as disturbing... well, perhaps not AS disturbing, but it was enough to give fans an uneasy feeling. None the less, there he was... Rockstar Spud, dressed in his skin tight leather pants and matching leather jacket; but otherwise shirtless and sitting proudly with a smug look on his face. That alone might have been enough to make fans cringe away, but in this case it wasn't Spud himself making the fans feel uneasy... but rather, the fact that he had the balls to be sitting on and even revving up what was so clearly the Motorcycle of Baron Corbin! How could fans be sure the bike belong to Corbin? The 'Lone Wolf' logo emblazed upon the side of the tank was all the proof they needed. Now the fans understood what had driven Dixie up the wall... apparently Spud was suicidal and had hot wired and was no in possession of Baron Corbin's bike. Rockstar Spud sat there revving the bike up, his eyes hidden by sunglasses as he looked off into the distance and spoke to the unseen viewers who came along with the camera man. The audience that he seemed to so desperately crave... well, he had their attention now. 'MISTAH MONEY IN DA' BANK' ROCKSTAR SPUD; It was hard to tell who Spud was talking to, Dixie or the WWE Universe, but no matter... it was Dixie Carter who answered. Her voice sounding far less bold and confident as Spud had; it almost trembled as she replied. 'NXT GENERAL MANAGER' DIXIE CARTER; Spud sneered and scoffed away the question as he turns to Dixie with his upper lip curled and that entitled look etched across his face; it was that very look that made Dixie adore him and other superstars want to punch him in the face. But again Spud spoke with confidence. 'MISTAH MONEY IN DA' BANK' ROCKSTAR SPUD; This time Rockstar Spud didn't wait for a reply as he dismounts the bike and turns to face the camera. With his eyes locked on it, a shiver running through his little frame and rage bubbling over' Spud blindly kicks back into the bike and puts a fresh dent into the fender as he shouts into the camera! 'MISTAH MONEY IN DA' BANK' ROCKSTAR SPUD; Spud lets out a primitive growl and kicks the bike behind him again, this time the whole motorcycle came toppling down onto the asphalt! The bike makes a savage 'thud' and the groan of metal. Any biker in the audience got a pain in their chest just from seeing such a beautiful bike fall. But Spud didn't seem to notice or care that he toppled the bike as he dives back into his rant. 'MISTAH MONEY IN DA' BANK' ROCKSTAR SPUD; He tacks that snide remark on with a cheeky grin before letting his face morph back into the angry and hostile expression it once had. 'MISTAH MONEY IN DA' BANK' ROCKSTAR SPUD; Spud gives a quick wink to Paige and gives Corbin's a bike another stomp before he continues. 'MISTAH MONEY IN DA' BANK' ROCKSTAR SPUD; Off camera fans can hear Dixie clear he throat and possibly give Spud a warning sign to watch his words; making sure her little rocker doesn't step a toe too far over that WWE Corporate PC line. Spud only gives a knowing grin to Dixie, like he was glad she caught where he was going with his rant as he turns back to the camera. 'MISTAH MONEY IN DA' BANK' ROCKSTAR SPUD; The WWE Universe then watches on in silence... shock... amusement and even slight horror as he walks off screen and comes back with a can of gas. Without warning Spud begins to soak the bike in gas until it was dripping- and then, reaching to his back pocket, Spud takes a pack of matches and strikes one before setting the whole pack ablaze... only to then toss the little flame onto the gas-soaked bike as it goes up in a hellacious blaze! A bonfire right in the superstar parking lot! The fire burned bright in the eyes of Rockstar Spud, even from behind his sunglasses, as he backs off out of view with Dixie Carter under his arm as various crew members charge to extinguish the motorcycle campfire Spud created... Scene fades out with a shot of the smoldering bike remains. end. |