Was this really how they wanted to meet a a celebrity, someone they looked up to... someone they almost hero worshiped? Sure, they could of went about it in some other way- but after the way they had seen that wild look in the eyes of Kenny Omega when he explained that this was a war, when they felt the chills of watching their best friend psych himself up for the fight of his life as he prepared to enter the 'Royal Rumble' well, how could they do anything besides step their own game up? Matt and Nick were his right-hand men, after all. The Young Bucks are 2/3rds of team 'The Elite'... they just had to do something bigger, something better than the rest. Something folks would remember...
But was this going too far? Stalking down and kidnapping a future 'Hall of Famer' like this, tying him up to a chair in a darkly lit room... and then what? Well, that was the only part of this scheme they had planned out as The Young Bucks took it upon themselves to stalk 'Kurt Angle's' rental car and blindside him with a few superkicks and handcuffs before he could get into the vehicle. What were they going to do with the Olympic Gold Medalist, why- obviously... put him on camera. Kurt was still in a bit of a super kick haze and had no idea that he had been taken to 'The Elite Headquarters' or that he had been handcuffed to a bar stool; but his brain was slowly starting to connect the dots as Nick and Matt set the camera to get rolling on a timer.
Three. Two. One. Rolling. All around the WWE Universe screens went black as a monotone voice casually called out "The Following Announcement Has Been Paid For By..."
A logo for The Elite appears and instantly draws the WWE Universe in. The Elite, for one reason or another, seems to be the stable to tune into if you are a RAW fan and their logo is drawing in more and more cult-like followings from the faithful. The Elite logo is something that now causes excitement and a slight tinge of fear when it is seen. It means things are about to go down.

As the black background consumes the Elite logo, a new picture is brought to life. One of a a dank and dirty basement where the legend Kurt Angle has been bound and gagged! He is still wearing his same suit that he had on at the wrestling press conference he had attended earlier that day and he looked only slightly scuffed up. But still, seeing him in this condition was enough to get any wrestling fan, young or old, to instantly tune in. On both sides of Kurt, similar to how they stand with Omega- who is strangely nowhere to be seen at the moment, The Young Bucks glare into the camera they set up like two men who owned the world. Because in their minds... they did. Angle was starting to shake off the fuzz from the super kick party he was unwillingly invited to, a look of anger flooding his eyes as he looks between the two brothers, his words muffled but clear that he was not happy to be there.
"We will deal with you in a bit, just chill Bro, alright?" Matt asks before tightening the gag on Kurt.
Nick only rolled his eyes as he looked away from Angle as if he were annoyed.
"Seriously, I don't want to hear it right now. Boo-hoo, you got kicked in the face and taken hostage, so what.- Do you have any idea how complicated pulling off of this off was? Huh? I bet you don't even appreciate it" Nick shakes his head in disgust.
"See, this is why I don't like working with big name talent... they always want top billing. Whatever, look we don't really need him right now, do we? How about we just leave him on ice here for a while and we do what we had originally intended to do and blow the lid off of this conspiracy" he offered his brother.
Nick smiles sinisterly and claps Matt proudly on the shoulder.
"You know it, lets do this!" he cheered his brother on proudly as both Bucks then turn to the camera and address it.
The Young Bucks both give the camera a cocky smirk that is worthy of Edge & Christian as they begin to address the camera as if this were just some normal promo and they hadn't actually taken Kurt Angle hostage for some strange reason. A reason many fans were hoping The Bucks would get to, but not quite yet it seemed first they had some words for their would-be challengers this week.
"You know, last week my brother Matt and I made our debut by doing what few tag teams can claim to have done. And that is retire a team right out of the gates; and oh yeah, we sure as hell did that. Have you noticed? Go ahead and look around, you won't find 'The Kings of Wrestling' anywhere! The moment Chris Hero and Antonio Cesaro were given an invitation to the Super Kick Party- they just couldn't take it! That seems to be what tag teams do when they cross paths with The Young Bucks" Nick boasts proudly.
Matt smirks and only throws more verbal fuel onto the fire.
"They get a boot sandwich and get shipped out on their backs! And that is all she wrote for The Kings of Wrestling. Just like it was the fat lady who sung when our pals Kevin Steen-erm, Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins took those two crumpet suckers known as 'The Empire' and planted them on their asses like 'SPLAT'! Fate hit The Empire just like it did the KOW's, and that was like a damn freight train! Which leaves me to ask the question... why? Why are they even in this match? What do they have the right to qualify for- the chance to get schooled again by the World Tag Team Champs again? Because that is EXACTLY what is going to happen! The Empire isn't the same as The Elite, it doesn't have the strength to endure and conquer! The Empire is simply doomed to fail, so why even bother? We told you kids as soon as we signed... The Young Bucks and The Elite OWN the world... and there is no room for some third rate tag team like you two Tea Drinkers. So tell us, what makes you think you have the right to a rematch? Why should the WWE waste another shot at the titles on you, two men whom the Tag Champs admitted to us were a walk in the park for them! The fact is, The Elite doesn't belong here! And they damn sure do not belong in the ring with me and my brother Nick" Matt says as if this is all text book fact.
Nick nods his approval and points an accusing finger into the camera.
"I bet you boys payed someone off to give you this second chance, because we both know none of ya' deserve it! Not the way that we do. The Elite retired a team in our first night back, what have any of you done!? Well- besides make fools of yourselves in front of the current tag champs? That's it, you haven't done a damn thing! Nothing! And you somehow think you are ready to step to us? To step to The Young Bucks, the most decorated and adored tag team in the industry TODAY.... no way, it won't happen. I just hope the Empire is ready for another taste of humiliation because that is what is going to be thrown at them. That and enough super kicks to give them brain damage- if they don't have it already! Because once we take you out, that only leaves us... and those two impostors" Nick shoots Matt a shifty eyed look.
Matt returns the look as he begins to speak.
"Oh yeah.... THOSE guys. They think they are so smart, changing their names and attire- but they aint fooling anyone. We know it is them! You can't take a B-rated Tag Team like that, polish them up and give them a new name, and think you can slip it past us! No way brother, The Young Bucks are just a little too clever for that whole 'repackaging' crap. We know a hand me down set of tights when we see them!" he now turns to Kurt Angle.
"Spill the beans! What is their goal! What did you sen them here for!?" he shouts at him as he removes Angle's gag.
Kurt seems to legit have no clue what is going on.
"Easy now, bucko! Just what the hell are you talking about!?" he demands to know, just like everyone else.
This time it is Nick Jackson who speaks up, holding up a picture for Kurt to see.

"Tell us... do you recognize this team?" he asks in his best police officer voice.
Kurt Angle shakes his head.
"No, I have no idea who they are. Now can you let me go?" he asks but it is as if no one has heard him.
"No? How about now?" Nick asks and this time shows him a new picture.

It takes a moment for fans to realize what is going on as they watch Nick keep switching between pictures of American Alpha and The World Greatest Tag Team. Angle, on the other hand, is quicker to connect the dots and realize what is going on.
"Wait, wait, wait... do you guys actually think these are the same people?" Kurt asked obviously, a bit dumbstruck by it all.
This comment seems to set The Young Bucks off.
"You KNOW they are the same team! You sent them on some type of mission to invade the WWE!-Well too bad we beat you to it! The Elite was here first! We are doing the Invasion thing! Team Angle is just going to have to take their ball like Kings of Wrestling did and go somewhere else" Matt demands of Kurt.
Angle continues to look between the two Young Bucks in disbelief.
"Guys, I mean it, they are not the same team!" Angle insists.
Nick Jackson won't hear it as he pipes up.
"No way, just look at them! Same lame, generic smiles! Same fruity 'all wrestler' tights and lack of personality! The same weird issue with having a fetish for high school wrestling and... well, that is really all we have on them. American Alpha is boring, just like these two! And they have a poor track record of success, again, just like these two! All signs point to American Alpha having the same type of 'Go Nowhere' career as 'World Greatest Tag Team'... so what is it? Are they clones? Or twins seperated at birth, or what!? WE DEMAND TO KNOW!" Nick an Matt now circle in on Kurt who does NOT look impressed.
"I don't know what to tell ya, they are different people..." he seemed a bit amused now as this realization that they made a mistake crosses the faces of The Young Bucks.
Matt and Nick walk over to a corner and whisper between themselves for a moment, like they are plotting their next more. After a few seconds they return to right in front of the camera and begin again.
"Look! Protect your secrets all you want, Angle! It makes no difference to us!" Nick insists.
"At the end of the night me and my brother are going to take this generic tag team of wanna' be patriots and we are gonna' beat the red, white and lame right out of them! Because the fact is... America sucks right now! And 'being a good wrestler' just isn't enough to get the job done! You need to be great! You need to be excellent! You need to be... well, you need to be us! Because after Royal Rumble it won't matter if they are the World's Greatest Tag Team or just another bunch of 'American Males' destined to be forgotten! The Young Bucks are here to claim what is rightfully ours... and that is a shot at those tag team titles" Matt says with a grin all proudly.
"And not you... and damn sure not those clowns American Alpha... can stop us" Nick adds for good measure.
The Young Bucks throw a few crotch chops into the direction of the camera for good measure to drive the point home. Behind them Kurt Angle clears his throat...
"AH-HEM... that is good and all... but can you PLEASE untie me now?" he didn't seem like he would ask nicely again.
Matt and Nick look between each other again, this time not so confident and sure as before.
"Ummm dude... I tied him up, it is your job to let him out" nick throws out there.
Matt gives him a 'are you insane' look.
"Yeah, but I kicked him so... it is your turn" he tosses back at Nick.
The two Young Bucks begin to argue about who is going to untie Kurt Angle and potentially risk a beating as the scene starts to fade out to black and that monotone voice concludes "The Preceding Announcement Has Been Paid for By"...

As it cuts to the Elite logo again and fades out to darkness...